Company Telework status today

Analysis of the status of your innovation process shall be executed regularly in 3 months intervals. You as a TPM should achieve it by means of management and employee (surveys). The example of a survey and the company telework maturity levels are presented in Module M1

Important: The surveys must be separated because usually each group has different opinions about the criteria of Home or Hybrid office purpose and impacts:

Employees:  they like it (around 77% see report form USA on 800.000 employees, read in M0 Weekly digests) before they are freer and more flexible in their life…

Managers: usually complain, they have lost overview what their employees are doing at home … They feel longer term work efficiency and transparency is seriously retarded outside the office.

In the lack of clear objectives about the business and social purpose of the telework in a company (Next lecture) these public surveys will produce fuzzy results - out of the context. Your company manager and employee surveys may bring similar contradicting results, but also shall reveal what are the technical and telework efficiency and security gaps which shall be resolved.

In addition to your company surveys, you should make your own analysis enabled by your company collaboration IT platform. Examples of how to analyze you TW collaboration activities are resented in Module M6.

These facts (survey results and platform statistics) you summarize to a report what you shall use in setting or updating of innovation objectives of your Company telework process.

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