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Telework Process Manager
M0 - Course Overview
How can we learn together ?
Course overview webinar
Weekly Digests
M0 - Coaching Topics
M1 - Telework Analysis and Planning
M1 Objectives
Telework implementation project
Preparatory phase of Telework implementation
The result of our Telework project
M1 Coaching Topics
M2 - Definition of the scope of Telework
M2 Objectives
Definition of Telework scope
Assignment 1 - TW scope
Quiz on course approach
M2 Coaching Topics
M3 - Managing the workplace
M3 Objectives
Workplace definitions
Workplace trends
Telework country regulations
Collaboration space design completed
M3 Coaching Topics
M4 - Onboarding Teleworker
M4 Objectives
The Onboarding process
Onboarding example app
Importance of Onboarding agreement
M4 Coaching Topics
M5 - Support services for Teleworkers
M5 Objectives
Platform selection
Smart attendance
Task Management
Online collaboration
Company Intranet
M5 Coaching topics
M6 - Telework process evaluation reports
M6 Objectives
The purpose of the reports
Overview of activities evaluations
Eligible Telework expenses
Task-based evaluation and reporting
Overview of cost evaluations
M6 Coaching topics
M7 - Telework for frontline workers
M7 Objectives
The challenge
The technology we can use
The example use case (5:59)
Use case benefits
How to create a work process in I3D
Assigment 2 - design your work process
M7 Coaching topics
M8 - Innovation of Telework in your company
M8 Objectives
Company Telework Innovatin cycle
Company Telework status today
Innovation objectives
Implementation of Innovation
Evaluation of Innovation results
Coaching telework innovations
Assigment 2 - design your work process
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