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Telework Process Manager
M0 - Course Overview
How can we learn together ?
Course overview webinar
Weekly Digests
M0 - Coaching Topics
M1 - Telework Analysis and Planning
M1 Objectives
Telework implementation project
Preparatory phase of Telework implementation
The result of our Telework project
M1 Coaching Topics
M2 - Definition of the scope of Telework
M2 Objectives
Definition of Telework scope
Assignment 1 - TW scope
Quiz on course approach
M2 Coaching Topics
M3 - Managing the workplace
M3 Objectives
Workplace definitions
Workplace trends
Telework country regulations
Collaboration space design completed
M3 Coaching Topics
M4 - Onboarding Teleworker
M4 Objectives
The Onboarding process
Onboarding example app
Importance of Onboarding agreement
M4 Coaching Topics
M5 - Support services for Teleworkers
M5 Objectives
Platform selection
Smart attendance
Task Management
Online collaboration
Company Intranet
M5 Coaching topics
M6 - Telework process evaluation reports
M6 Objectives
The purpose of the reports
Overview of activities evaluations
Eligible Telework expenses
Task-based evaluation and reporting
Overview of cost evaluations
M6 Coaching topics
M7 - Telework for frontline workers
M7 Objectives
The challenge
The technology we can use
The example use case (5:59)
Use case benefits
How to create a work process in I3D
Assigment 2 - design your work process
M7 Coaching topics
M8 - Innovation of Telework in your company
M8 Objectives
Company Telework Innovatin cycle
Company Telework status today
Innovation objectives
Implementation of Innovation
Evaluation of Innovation results
Coaching telework innovations
The Onboarding process
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