Collaboration space design completed
We shall summarize the outcome what we have learned in modules M1, M2, and M3:
In module M1 we outlined the Telework implementation project. So far, we have reached phases A. and B. of the project schedule. The scope of the project designed in terms of the Assignment 1 records: by specifying:
- the scope and structure of the Digital Content of the Company enabled for knowledge sharing among teleworkers (Sheet A)
- telework stakeholder entities in the Organizational Structure of the Company (Sheet Organization)
- physical and virtual workplaces (profiles) for each teleworker entity (TWE). Done in sheet B
- Access rights of TWE profiles to company content assets. Done in sheet C.
- Collaboration services to access company content for TWE Profiles. Done in sheet D.
By this module M3 lecture we completed our conceptual learning. In further modules (M4-M7) we proceed to the Phase C of the Telework implementation project: Telework support service development project (specified in sheet D)